List of billing invoices display information like payment status, total bill amount, creation date etc…
We provide facility to show “List Billing Invoice”.
here you can generate a new invoices and a new payment.
Steps for List of Billing Invoice
First of all Go to sidebar menu click on billing option and select invoice.
display list of billing invoice page.
here you can print invoice, generate pdf or excel file of invoices list
in this table shows different columns like Invoices Number, User Name, Client Name, Amount, Creation Date, Status (Paid,Open,partial) , Total Bill and Action etc…
if you want to check invoice like today, last month, this month etc.. then click on date picker control and set your date.
To generate a New Payment click on the New Payment Button.
if you want to Edit or Change Invoices for that click on the first Edit button from action column.
an invoices status is paid then you can directly click on the Print button for Print invoices.
if invoices status is open then you can directly pay the amount of that invoices, click on payment button from action column.
Generate New payment for Unpaid Billing invoices
you can see payment button from action column, if you want to pay unpaid invoices then click on that payment button and then after display generate new payment page.
Otherwise, you can also generate new payment for a particular user for that Go to sidebar menu and click on Payment option and just enter an username, it will be automatically display a total due amount of a user….