ISP Management

How to traceroute

A traceroute is a function which traces the path from one network to other network. It allows us to diagnose the source of many problems.

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How to Ping

Ping is a basic Internet program that allows a user to verify that a particular IP address exists and can accept requests.

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If Client have any kind of issues or Complaints according to their Plan, Recharge or any other then open Customer Support form Client Portal and sent quires or complaints to Admin.

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Admin CMS Report

CMS Report (Customer Management Sytem) to manage their all clients or customers Queries or Complaints as well as also solve their clients complaints in Admin or ISP side.

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Client CMS

PHP radius cloud based Bandwidth Management Software provide facality to Customer like CMS means Client Customer Management System report in Client Portal

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Download Logs

PHP Radius Provide services to download All User Browsing Logs for security purpose.PHP Manages All User Browsing Logs and provides the facility to download in Portal to download the sidebar select the Log option from the reports menu.

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Admin Portal Configuration

ISP can set there default configuration Like ISP information, ISP logo, set Currency, Billing Title, Billing Terms, Billing TAX, Portal Setting etc.

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ISP Dashboard

ISP dashboard provide facilities to handle user’s information, billing and account information.

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NAS Management

PHP Radius Provides Network Access Server (NAS). NAS is Interface, IP Address, Firewall, QoS, routers, DHCP, IP Poll, Hot Spot, etc.

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How to Enable User

Enable a User After enabling a user will add the user from the radius. After enabling a user, again uses data

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