Generate List of Plan Into Excel File Or PDF File

Steps To Generate List of Plan In to Excel File Or PDF File On the sidebar menu click on Plan option.It will open a list of a plan, now view on top bar row, buttons on a page Like Show 10 Rows, Copy, Excel, PDF, Print. For generate an excel file, click on the Excel...

Change The current active Plan Type

Change The Plan Type Set plan as a FUP, Day/Night, Quota Or Unlimited as per your choice.On the sidebar menu click on Plan option.Display the list of a plan, click on the plan name which you want to change it.Fill all information as You want to create a plan LIKE FUP,...

Change the current Active Plan Bandwidth

Steps To Change Active Plan Bandwidth On the sidebar menu click on Plan option.Display the list of a plan, click on the plan name which you want to change it.It will open an edit-plan page, now change Download/Upload bandwidth speed which you want to set it as per...

Assign Plan For Franchisee

Steps To Assign Plan For Franchisee Franchiseees can not change plan information.Franchiseees can assign a plan for a new user.Franchiseees can also use recharge a user.  Assign Plan For Franchisee On sidebar menu clicks on Plan option.Display the list of a plan,...

Disable OR Inactive Plan

Steps To Disable OR Inactive Plan On the sidebar menu click on Plan option.Display the list of a plan, click on the plan name which you want to change it.Edit-plan page will open, you will see Plan Active option if you want to disable or inactive a plan then select No...