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  • PHP radius Provide facility to create an operator and franchisee under the Admin.the Admin Can Divide there work into operator and franchisee.
  • operator as mainly three types first admin itself an operator second operator and the third franchisee.admin can manage all of those, an operator can work under the admin and franchisee get a franchisee under the admin.
  • list of Operator and Franchisee
    • to view a list of Operator and Franchisee On the sidebar menu click on Config > Operator option.
    • that will open a page now you can see a list of operator and franchisee on different columns like operator name, operator type, Last Login Time, etc.
  • view a list of Operator
    • to view the operator as an operator type as an operator on a column.
  • view a list of franchise
    • view a franchise as an operator type as a franchise on a column.
  • Create a New operator
    • to click on new operator button.
  • Edit Operator Information Or Password
    • to click on the edit operator button in the action column.
  • Recharge Franchisee
    • to click on the Recharge button in the action column operator type as a franchise.
View list of operator and Franchisee