How to create new FUP plan
- FUP data limit is an allotted limit of data usage in each plan. Before FUP you get higher speed (as per your plan & ISP) and after the cross-data limit of your FUP Plans, your broadband bandwidth will slow down to a slower speed (as per your default speed set by ISP company).
- After the cross-data limit of your FUP Plans, then only access a default speed set by ISP company.
- After cross expiry date your FUP Plan, they cannot access a data user must be logged out.
How to Create a FUP plan
- Create a FUP plans, On sidebar Plans select New Plan option.
- the page will open, now you see a new plan creation all information. now fill on details as on your plans type.
- Enter the plan name and cost,
- now enter time-period value and select its period.
- Enter a Download and Upload Bandwidth for default speed for after cross data Limit of your FUP Plans.
- if plan show on client portal then checks mark on Client Online Recharge Plans show.
- select the name of your Franchisee, if you want to plan assigns to your Franchisee.
- if your plans is more then one day’s then checks mark on Plan Expire in Mid Night.
- Do not enter a quota limit if you create FUP plans.
- In this tab, only fill either day/night plans or FUP plans information.
- Enter FUP plans Details Like upload bandwidth, download bandwidth, and data limit.
- if Carrey Forward data for same plans recharge user in next month and data is unused available in the current plans but expiry is over then click on the box.
- The Burst Datarate limit is optional.
- Click on the APPLY button
- successfully new fup plans create.