User Management


If Client have any kind of issues or Complaints according to their Plan, Recharge or any other then open Customer Support form Client Portal and sent quires or complaints to Admin.

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Admin CMS Report

CMS Report (Customer Management Sytem) to manage their all clients or customers Queries or Complaints as well as also solve their clients complaints in Admin or ISP side.

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User Policy

Policy information like simultaneous use of user, MAC Address, IP Address, User Plan Upload or Download Bandwidth etc.

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How to Create a Static IP User

Static IP user is working on the IP address and static IP users must add their Username, Password, Router, and IP address. without Selected Router user cannot log in.

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How to Create a Simple User

A simple user whenever you create that time only two things are needed, is Username and Password. A simple user is an authentication by PPPoE protocol and a hotspot network.

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Recharge Details

Display Active, Inactive, Expired Plan Details For All User. ISP or Admin can search a particular user for all recharge details

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show online user

Display list of online users like username, IP Address, Start Time, Up Time, NAS Name, Total Downloads/Uploads Traffic.

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How to Enable User

Enable a User After enabling a user will add the user from the radius. After enabling a user, again uses data

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Display User Information

You can see Current Plan Details such as Plan Name, Validity, Total Used Downloads/ Uploads, Total Renaming, Expiry Date, etc…

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Create New User

You can create three types of users, the Simple User, MAC User, and Static IP User. Goto sidebar and click on User Management option.

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