View List Of User

  • In PHP radius You can see the List of Total Users under the Internet Services providers(ISP) in tabular format.
  • you can also edit user information, billing plan information.
  • it will be display all user information which is created under the ISP Billing Software.
  • if client have any query or complaints then they direct send their query to Admin through CMS (Customer Management System) features.


Steps for View List Of User

  • To display the List of an users first of all Go to the sidebar click on User Management and select List User Option.
  • if you want to search particular user then click on search box and enter particular user data or information.
list user
  • in user dashboard you can see user name, contact person name, phone number, plan name, expiry date or payment status.
  • if you want to sort a user data in ascending or descending order that is also possible in users list.
  • You can directly generate an users list into PDF or Excel file.
  • if you want to generate print for user s list then click on print button.
  • You can also Hide or show a user column in Column option for (examples :  city, plan name, address etc…).
  • now click on particular user and open that user dashboard.
  • here you can see users Options on top-bar On the logout side.


  • click on Users option and it will be open list of users page.
  • it will show a number of users list in the tabular format. In this Table show overall main information Like User Name, Contact Person, Address, City, Phone, Current Plan Name, Plan Expiry date, Payment Status, etc…
list user
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